Sunday, November 8, 2015

Why I’ll Never Be P.C.

Ask for my opinion
Then say how do I dare
Ask me to state my beliefs
And dismiss me with haughty stare

Some have said of me
I suffer not fools
Can’t say I don’t disagree
I just blame their gene pools

I know one day I may regret
This unfiltered way of mine
And though I can be gentle too
A sharp pen strengthens my spine

Some ask me to hide this true face
And though I get it I cannot do it
In the face of intellectual idiocy
I must admit this fire is lit

So if I sometimes offend you
I hope you’ll meet me in the middle
And find it sometimes refreshing
That I’ll never feed you a riddle

So pardon me for saying it
Soon free speech will die
Those like me will be swept away
For being unable to accept a lie

And you’ll exist in false unity
In a fantasy world of glass
Transparent as a gravestone
With freedom six feet under the grass

From my grave I’ll not weep
For my soul’s not bound there
But if you without Christ fall asleep
You’ll wake beyond and find you care  

So if this spurs an angry thought
And you feel you’d like to talk
Let’s meet somewhere with open hearts
And take an impactful walk

Don’t dismiss what you don’t understand
Is something you always ask of me
But for once the tables are turned
I hope open minded you’ll be

For you see the One I follow
Says that for those who truly seek
He is not afraid of your doubt
Nor will He fail to speak

He’ll break through the ice
And melt your heart of stone
His truth will set you free
From this prison of flesh and bone

And the chains that have held you
Invisible and yet still so real
Like blindness will fall away
And your life they’ll no longer steal

So if you never listened to me
Never even once before
May you hear me just this one time
I pray you open up your heart’s door

Ignore my imperfect words for once
But hear the not so P.C. message this one time
The one who knocks on your heart’s door
Offers you eternal peace that’s sublime

One day I hope you’ll forgive me
My persistence you’ll understand
That if I’m convinced of the truth

I have to preach it throughout the land