Saturday, October 20, 2018

I’m Not Burying My Head in the Sand… However…

So, here is how the story goes…

A factual account…

News Flash!! … I have political opinions… oooh! Big deal right?

Everyone does. Don’t they?

Well, I’ve made a decision for the time being…

I’m done with political talk on my social media platforms.

I know, I know… It’s about time I shut up right?!

I mean I’m so darn ignorant and never cross examine the issues, or look into fact checking sources… etc.

I am a human being as are you and yes, I am subject to failings such as bias, prejudice and stubbornness.

But, to be fair, aren’t most of us like that at least some of the time.

All that to be said, I still have opinions and if prompted I still don’t mind debating an issue (face to face) so long as the other party in the debate agrees that it is ok to have our minds changed through discussion, presenting of evidence as to the contrary points of our opinions and just realizing that we overlooked some facts.

I will keep said opinions still, but I pledge to keep them to myself.

However, don’t expect me to bury my head in the sand. Don’t expect me to just accept a lie. Don’t expect me to kowtow to “expert” opinions without solid fact to back them up. And probably more importantly to the current environment, don’t expect me to accept anyone rewriting history (ugly or not) and in that atrocity to forget the lessons that factual treatment of said history can teach us.

There are those in this current moment in history (mid-terms, 2018) that would like me to believe certain things that I know to be nothing more than propaganda by the current power wielders in our once great state. I know that their stated facts are just repeated (cut & pasted) dialog taken straight out of messages put forth by the current political powerbase.

I don’t respect borrowed opinions.

The last word I have for you has been repeatedly spoken by me over many years.

Just go vote ok?

Read up on the propositions. Read up on the politicians. Weed through the diatribe and cliché to find what facts are available and make your best educated picks on the ballots.

If you do that then, whether we agree on the issues or not, you’ll at least have the kind of respect that is given to someone who I observe has made an attempt at educating themselves before deciding.

True tolerance can only exist where we can agree to disagree and still treat each other civilly and maybe even remain as friends.

I foster no illusions that we live in probably the most divided and divisive times that I have ever observed in my lifetime. And with that happening I don’t foster much hope for recovery without God’s intervention in the hearts and minds of those on each side of the divide.

But it is in the hope in the one true God, a God of reconciliation that I do not give up hope because I know that He has overcome the World and He has already conquered death and hell. So, I still retain hope that He will make all things right in their time.

So, consider this my last hurrah on social media at large.

I want to be a catalyst for positivity, hope, love, forgiveness, peace and compassion. I don’t think that there is a law against any of those.


Seize the day!

Mike <><