Here under billowing clouds
Sad thoughts an undertow
A new emptiness at my side
Eyes like pending thunderstorms
Walking these roads
Made easier by companions
Goodbyes come too often
Loneliness oh so frequent
Created for relationships
Islands we are not
Not created for singularity
Our gravity drawing others
Orbiting each other we share
In companionship’s strength
And warmed by friendship
In love’s bond made stronger
Weaving through our souls
The roots of friendship
Silently entwining two lives
And blossoming into love
Yoked together for a little
Combining strength and focus
Our entwined lives reach higher
Drawing us to the Son
But this life is tenuous
And ever so fragile
Our every breath and day
Written by our Creator
Our final chapter known
Only by Heavenly author
That day and hour calls
Shadowed in mystery
Our final breath comes
And for most a surprise
So we grasp for a chance
For one last embrace
Our parting leaving scars
Marks of bittersweet pain
We are parted but not separate
Living again in memories recalled
Your voices speaking on
In our hearts resurrected
The roots you placed there
Still flowering and bearing fruit
Parted from us and yet
Never really gone
When we honor you
And the seeds you planted
So faint not from friendship
Give yourself away always
Rooted deep in those you love
Flowering again in each new season
Long after you are gone