Though I write now
From this place of doubt
Though my pen speaks
From a troubled heart
Do not doubt
And do not fear
That I know
In whom I have believed’
For time never ceases to flow
And life just doesn't slow down
For not even one of us
So, I hold no fantasies close
But I do hold some things
The ones I love
And the Word
Who loved me first
These I hold dear
I cast aside some things
Some weighty painful things
For its these that hold me back
These sorrows that pull me down
For to place my faith
In the frail hands
Of those who like me
Are born of dust
To do this thing
Is to reach for something less
Less than truth
Less than hope
For my hope cannot be found
In finite things
In these fading flowers
In things that fall to dust
Instead, I anchor my hope
On the Eternal Rock
Tested by the passage of time
And unmoved by human thought
For you have turned
Your ear to my cries
And you have listened
When others shut me out
You have walked with me
Whether in darkest valley
Or over peaks of exquisite joy
And you've never turned aside
So in this moment
I must confess
And in this confession
I must speak clearly
When I am with you
I can let go my fear
With your hand at my back
I can bravely enter life’s battles
So in those moments
When trials weight
Lays heavy on my shoulders
Drags my heart into the depths
It’s at these times
Your spirit confesses for me
Before the eternal throne
And I am defended
And I am reminded then
That though I am weak
In this frame of water and bone
I’m made strong by your indwelling
So I stand here now
On this valley floor
And though I do not look back
I can still recall the altars
The stones laid out
In loving care placed
To remember all you've done
And to recall your faithfulness
So my spirit looks forward
With thankful altars behind
To a future rising now
Over misty heights yet unseen
The spark of hope kindling
And fanning into flame
My heart warms with peace
And my mind dares new dreams
And like so many of you
I set one foot before the other
Take in this gift of breath
And start on a new path
Each step powered with hope
Strengthened by eternal promises
My eyes are fixed upon our Savior
The one in whom I still believe