Sunday, June 12, 2022

Leaving the Land of Promise


So, this week I was serving at an event.


Looking back to last Fall (2021), I heard of a new ministry starting up at Celebration Church, Georgetown, TX. The ministry is called “Endeavor” and for me, it is answer to prayers that I have both whispered and sometimes even shed tears over.


Simply described, it is a ministry centered around the fact that work is something created by God, and it is in fact, or was meant to be, good! And as a ministry, we seek to invite God back into the workplace. And that was in fact a very simplistic way of viewing it.


Because at it’s heart work and workplaces are very different, aren’t they? Each company created and developed in its own unique way and directed by people how they envision it. So as individuals we experience work and the workplace very differently.


And yet, work was made by God, and it was meant to be good. It doesn’t matter what we do for work because as parts of the body of humanity and the body of Christ, we have each been ordained with skills and gifts that when we properly perform them, we fulfill some of the purpose that God has given us.


Here’s the thing though… the world is a fallen place and sin has twisted that which God meant for good and managed to create a flawed and misguided construct.


We recognize though that the brokenness of the workplace isn’t God’s fault and that the only way we can see the workplace healed involves two things: 1) We must invite God back into the halls of our businesses; and 2) We must seek God in prayer and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we must proactively take back the ground that our ancient enemy has stolen from us.


And by taking back ground for God, we impact our world at its core and we plant the seeds of revival!


I don’t want to oversimplify this, nor do I want to usurp or take credit for the prayers and hard work of others in this movement. I am deeply moved at moments when looking from the outside looking in at what’s happening here. There is a movement of God in this.


Let that sink in. I know this because many of us who are giving our time and gifts to Endeavor are seeing, feeling, and caught up in a move of the Holy Spirit.


And it is both inspiring and humbling. God is using willing hands to make a move.


So, we come around to why I am writing this little blog piece tonight.


I don’t want to forget a moment in my life where I saw God moving, where I felt the tingle and the catching of my breath as I knew God was using me, not for my own glory but His, to reach into someone else’s life and speak hope to a hurting soul.


A speaker this past Thursday was discussing many particulars on how to bring a gathering of Christ followers together within a company while overcoming any objections and stumbling blocks that might occur.


After asking those of us in the room where we saw ourselves in knowing how to go forward in starting something at the company we worked for, I ended up in a small group that was either undecided or just not certain how we would begin such a movement within our corporate structure.


It was at the end of the evening when a gentleman sitting to my left spoke to me after everyone else had left our table. He asked about my thoughts on the whole Endeavor movement and what things looked like at our company. I explained that there are many outspoken followers of Christ including our current CEO. I went on to say that there are some that even have held events where they explained how they had invited Christ into their agencies and seen Him do great things through their willing hands.


It was then that he said in apparent confusion, “Mike, then why are you at this table of those who don’t know how to begin something where they are at?!”


After explaining that I was simply not understanding how I could start something here locally in Central Texas with the individual agencies located here, he began to understand and then the conversation moved to himself.


Instead of writing the short novel that would be needed to discuss every aspect of the ensuing conversation, I want to share what I view as the most important things we talked about and how Endeavor had impacted him that evening.


He began to explain who he was and the job he holds but quickly came around to his mindset and heart space where he was as he arrived that evening.


He explained that he was in a place where he had just about given up hope on our country and its spiritual state currently. So much so that he wanted to take his family and move to another country where he imagined it was headed in a better direction.




He explained then that he was having a change of heart after hearing the speakers that evening and after my own testimony about how I was seeing God make amazing moves through Endeavor already.


I could go on to tell you about the deep pain that was confessed to me because of what the enemy had attacked him personally with over the years. I will keep that in confidence. But all that to say that we in this Endeavor movement are already venturing into the territory that the enemy arrogantly believes is his and lost to God. If we allow God to use us, I firmly believe that God will take back ground and make it holy again. I believe that God can bring the revival that many of us have so longed for and prayed over.


We win one battle at a time. We win when we invite God into the battle and follow His lead. We win when we link arms and stand together with the Holy Spirit guiding us.


I am so thankful that I stayed at that table the other night. I just felt the gentle tug of the Holy Spirit asking me to sit a while and just open my mouth and letting Him speak through me. I’m nothing special but like many of you I just want to be available and used by God to do His good will however that might look.


Be encouraged. We are in the middle of a move of God. Of this I am convinced.


Be open to God’s still small voice and go seize the day my friends. Let’s go together and take back some ground from the enemy and let’s bring back some captives with us!


In Christ’s love,


Mike Meehan <><