Saturday, March 27, 2021

Won't Apologize


Yeah, I was born white

Lived my life as is

Won’t apologize

It’s who I am alright


You were born black

Or yellow, red or brown

Some have plenty

For some, there’s lack


What do you want

Me, to rewind time

Me, to give it all back

Don’t repeat Satan’s taunt


…That we’re not enough…


Sucking down worldly lies

God speaks to the deaf

Spirit whispers to the dumb

Something within dies


Division, the enemy’s word

Unity what Christ prayed for

And we the catalysts

Spirit on our hearts poured


Unity comes at a price

Prayer with our action

Talk being cheap

Are we warriors or mice


Forgiveness a costly gift

Christ our best example

Can we demand less

So our crosses we lift


What do you want from me

I am what God made

You, a precious creation too

Open your heart and see


I am no more and no less

We should be brothers

We should be sisters

This issue we must address


No walking away this time

Our Jesus prayed for this

The time is now my friend

Wouldn’t peace be sublime


A world where love reigns

Mercy our first thought

Kindness guiding our hands

As we walk life’s hardest lanes


Let’s love like our Lord

Let’s let go the past

Let’s cheer for each other

And put down this sword


Time is short can you feel it

Let’s be found being faithful

Turn our back on the world

Hearts ready when trumpets hit


For our Lord is coming soon

Creation’s call getting louder

Rocks and stones crying

Can you hear heaven’s tune


So I won’t apologize

And really neither should you

We exist as God made us

And for Him I will proselytize


Let us reason together

Finding common ground

Linking arms and moving forward

Then life’s storms we can weather