I won’t bore you with all the intimate details of the challenges of the
last two weeks in my immediate family.
However, I will tell you that like so many who may be reading this blog
piece, we all face tough times at some point. In the short length of the
average human lifespan, we will each face our share of life’s troubles.
No one is ever truly immune.
Even if you feel that you have lived some form of charmed or blessed
life with very few bumps in the road, you will face at least this one huge elephant
in the room…
Your own mortality.
I use this phrase a lot in my life, at least as an adult.
“Life is terminal.”
We cannot avoid this one pure and absolute fact. We will one day face
our own death.
Time marches on and as much as we want to preserve our own lives or the
lives of our loved ones, there is no scientific breakthrough at this point in
human history that will preserve your life forever.
It simply does not exist.
No matter how much you rage against the machine, you… and I… will one
day breathe our last breath.
All of that said, I ask you this:
With our lives being so fragile. With them being relatively short when
viewed across history. Are you living your life to the fullest? Are you facing
your fears? Are you loving those you care about like they won’t be here
tomorrow? Like you might not wake up tomorrow morning?
I can honestly say that for me, I would have to answer the previous
questions with an overwhelming, “No.”
What would you say? In regard to your own thoughts on this?
Life is so very short.
Don’t take any of it… or the people you care about, for granted.
I know that there are sometimes huge storms in your life. If not now,
they may be just over life’s horizon.
Trust me. They will appear.
They may not last forever, but they are inevitable.
Prepare yourself.
Open your heart and be ready to love. Sometimes that has to be way more
than just what you say, it must be in what you do.
In the Bible, it is said that “faith without works is dead.”
It also says that we, show our faith by the things that we do. Our
So, this little post goes out to you early on this Wednesday morning.
It goes out filled with hope for you.
Live out your love and faith today. Do it by demonstrating it. Even the
smallest seed can grow into a tree (so the Bible says again).
Our world is filled with storms these days. Both literally and
They’re unavoidable but we don’t have to be afraid. Our leaps of faith
and demonstrations of love, can be like small stones cast into a pond where the
ripples go out to touch every inch of the shores that surround it.
Life’s storms will rage, but our love can conquer and heal the damage
that is left in the storm’s aftermath.
If you long for healing. If you long to be an agent of change, you must
come at some point to a realization that it will never come for you until you
make the decision to bravely step out into life’s storms and face into the wind
and rain.
If you feel you lack the strength to overcome your fears, I know
someone who can help you.
His name is Jesus Christ. Ask him to give you the faith, the strength,
the words and the bravery to face your storms and He will not fail you.
Seize the day!
In Christ,
Mike <><