Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cling to the Promise - August 03, 2011

Sun rises in soul

Full of worry

Inadequacy knocks at the door

Prayers held hostage

Cast this soul to the wind

Look to the horizon

Refreshing breeze stirs hope

Cling to promise of your presence

Emotions follow winds

With every kind of weather

Wander through deserts and mountains

Ever-changing terrain brings us no peace

Lost grip of this holdfast

An unshakeable anchor

That holds no matter the storm

Calling out for a reprieve

Drifting at sea

And searching the distant horizon

For signs of imminent rescue

Clinging tenaciously to hope

Reason fails to explain

Logic comes up empty

Worldly wisdom proven foolish

Answers found in potter’s hands

Broken and reformed

Melted down and recast

An object of lowly use

Remade for master’s hands

Failed hope and misplaced trust

Excised and washed clean

In their place a new creature

Childlike faith it’s very breath

Refreshing breeze lifts weary spirits

Raises eyes to Savior’s gaze

Bends knees not for executioner

But for eternal gratitude

Fill life’s sails

With promises of eternity

Not spent in unquenchable darkness

But in the glow of eternal promises fulfilled

1 comment:

  1. I love your poems! God has blessed you with the gift of writing. Keep up the good work, so proud of you!
    From: Guess who? :)


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