I long to lean into joy
To practice gratitude
Taking note of blessings
And dwelling on thanksgiving
To become a glass
Not as now, half empty
And not even half full
Instead, spilling over the rim
To walk away from dread
To run from the shoe drop
Living in the joy of each
Where simple things become defining
To truly feel adequate
Knowing that I am enough
The illusion of perfection a
Seeing myself through Christ’s
Cast far away the falsehoods
Being vulnerable and real
Accepting my quirks and
And loving others for the same
So when the little joys of life
Spring up before my eyes
May I vanquish the stormy
Seeking to steal away these
precious gifts
And when a heart of gratitude
takes over
Then thanksgiving will begin to
Fearful heart will gain new
And the enemy’s lies will fall
on deaf ears
So God please hear this fervent
And grant this heartfelt wish
That I might become a man of
With thanksgiving in all that
comes my way