Ok, so here goes.
I have listened to many people over the years (as have you as well) who
have their personal views on life, health, clean living, and success. My take
after all of these years of listening seems to fall somewhere in the middle
when it comes to how my worldview lines up against some of the very positive
spins on things vs. the negative ones.
I would call myself a bit of a realist these days.
For the longest time, I have referred to myself as “the glass is half
full” kind of person, but now I am again going to label myself more of a
realist instead.
You see, there are those people that I have encountered who live in
such negative and self-destructive ways that the negative consequences that
they live with (to me at least) are really to be expected.
And, on the opposite side, I see that there are people that walk around
in this constantly positive haze. A haze that refuses to acknowledge the
negative, or at the very least, tries to sweep it under some sort of proverbial
rug where they may know it’s there but at least they don’t have to look at it.
And, yet again, there are those that live somewhere in the middle.
These people recognize the value of positive thinking, faith, prayer,
self-sacrifice, and love. These people recognize that sometimes tough things
happen to both good and bad people (yes there are, in fact, truly bad people).
You cannot easily explain why these things happen, especially to the really
wonderful good (from a human perspective at least) people.
So here I sit and I ponder all of the many things both positive and
negative that swirl around me every day.
Here are a couple of examples that I know of that hopefully explain why
I sometimes sit on the fence and call myself a realist:
I am aware through my wife of a situation where
a young mother (unwed, if that matters to you; it definitely matters to me),
had a boyfriend that in a fit of anger violently shook this young woman’s baby
and altered this little innocent boy’s future for ever (not to mention the
lives of his extended family). Now, I am aware that there are both positives in
this and negatives. The positives are that this tragic and preventable
situation has drawn together this girl’s extended family as well as a new
Facebook prayer community that is rallying around this boy and his heroic and
selfless grandparents that have now taken over his care and guardianship. The
negatives are that this young woman who seems to live in a deluded and foolish
haze is standing by this boyfriend (not the baby’s father either) as if he is
not the monstrous person that he has shown himself to be. Does he need Christ?
Yes. Do we need to forgive him at some point? Yes. But, no matter what you
choose to focus on at the moment, this is still a tragedy, so I remain a
I also, like many of you I’m sure, am aware of
the recent murders of 21 Egyptian Christians by the Islamic extremists who call
themselves (ISIS) (btw – I am still trying to come up with a really belittling
and humiliating replacement for the acronym ISIS – I’ll post it on FB once I
come up with it). Positives here, well just like the previous example, not so
easy to think of but here goes: The worldwide followers of Christ are in large
numbers now praying earnestly for the persecuted church. We are more glaringly
aware of their plight and are even more aware of the threats to our own faith
and practice here in the U.S. and we are thus better prepared to speak of and
defend our own faith. The negatives, well I could really write a novel here but
I’ll just mention a few things. These guys are the consummate cowards and bullies
in our modern world. I mean really, if you are so great and your “religion” is
the awesome thing you purport it to be, then why do you come on video wearing
masks (the masks scream “COWARD!!!”). If these people were anything other than
weak minded, bullying, backwater, cowards, murderers, and thugs, they would
have the manhood to actually show their faces. I knew these types growing up
and they never change. They are only strong when they hold a weapon and they
are only strong when they are in their mob. Otherwise, they are just a bunch of
girly-men. Do I have a shred of sadness for them? Yes, to maybe some of your
surprise, I do. Please don’t misunderstand me though. They need Christ as much
of the rest of us sinners and I believe that they truly do not understand what
they have done and are doing. On this example, this is a whole lot of tragedy
and it will not be resolved until judgment day (especially hard for the ISIS
guys when they realize just how badly they have been deluded).
You may choose to view the above
examples any way that you wish however, please don’t pigeon hole me and just
slap the whole “negative Nelly” label on me.
I think that yes, sometimes we can have
entirely too negative a focus if we’re not careful and this is sometimes blown
way too far out of proportion by making the mistake of watching or listening to
any of the myriad of the liberal news organizations in the world today. Let’s
face it; they would not have the following that they have if they were not a
bunch of ambulance chasing zombies.
However, there are many of us that
behave like the proverbial ostrich and stick are heads in the sand (or possibly
elsewhere… “did I say that?!”) and act like the world cannot affect us or our
loved ones if we just ignore it. Let me tell you, you cannot expect to ignore
the negative things in this world and have them somehow never impact you and
those you love. That my friend is just foolish.
I am not advocating that we run around
like some human “Chicken Little” and always be in a panic or always on the
verge of a tearful breakdown. Instead, I am asking that you join me in being a
realist. Keep your eyes open, both your human ones and your spiritual ones.
Listen more and talk less. Pray as the scriptures say “without ceasing” and let
your heart and hands be ready to show others the love of Christ.
I know that I can sometimes spend too
much time worrying, focusing on the negative events of the day, or feeling judgmental
towards those around me that simply are still spiritually blind and I know that
you may experience this as well.
What I ask of you is this: Learn to
recognize the difference between negativity and realism. Be ready to attack the
former when it overwhelms your heart with prayer and then just start counting
your blessings, live an attitude of gratitude, and serve others with
enthusiasm. What you give away will come back overflowing in joy, peace, and
contentment in whatever situation you are in at the time.
But, do not walk away from being
realistic either, as I believe that to do otherwise is not an authentic way to
live. The lost, the searching, and the skeptical people around you will not
listen to the message you are trying to live and speak if you cannot explain
how to follow Jesus both in the good times but also in the hard and tragic
times that swirl around us every day.
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