Life has a way of often
throwing us many challenges. Some of these are just in the day to day short
term things. Some challenges though, come at us as long term issues that slowly
build a head of steam until they become unavoidable and often quite
My mind has been swimming with
challenges coming at me for quite some time now. As some of you know, this past
year has been eventful. It was one that both was both a capstone on the
previous 24 plus years working in a stressful J.O.B. (just above broke) and a
line in the sand that marks a new beginning where I am finding may way as a
new business owner.
However, lest you get confused
and tune me out, you must know that this post is not one to toot my own horn and
bore you with me trying to sell you something. This post is far, far away from
that. So, please read on.
Ask yourself if you agree with
the following:
“We all bear a burden or burdens of some sort from time to
time. And, these burdens often weigh us down to the point where they are so
absorbing that they paralyze us and prevent us from truly living.”
I am not a magician, nor am I a
wizard. I cannot magically see into your life nor can I predict what direction
any of our lives will take. The only certainty that I can give you is this,
that life is uncertain and full of surprises. If you are like me at all I bet
you can think for just a few moments and you too will come up with at least a
small list of things that weigh on your heart these days.
I am not writing this to bring
you down though and I do not want you to go away from having read this and be
even more burdened.
Instead, I want you to realize
that if you (like myself) confess to be a follower of Christ, then you have a
ready and waiting confidant and intercessor that is just waiting for you to
call out to Him for help.
You see, we have this Savior
and He is no distant aloof and unconcerned God. On the contrary, because He
lived here on Earth with us, breathed the same air, walked in this same fragile
shell we call a body. He is well acquainted with our challenges and burdens. He
is in fact sympathetic to what we experience and how hard it can be to stand in
the storms of life.
Just yesterday, I was at our
church and heard a special speaker. You may or may not have heard of this man
who was once a highly awarded professional baseball player. He explained how he
did not know or acknowledge God and lived only for himself. He had reached the
bottom in his life after all of the misbehavior and lack of concern for both
himself and others. It was only when the one person he loved the most said that
she would no longer be a part of his life if he would not change and follow Christ
that he finally woke up and truly looked in the mirror. His name is Daryl
Strawberry. Understand that it was not his celebrity that made an impression on
me yesterday; it was his humble, down to earth, and simple message that spoke
to me. He reminded everybody at service yesterday that we must crucify (his
word was kill) our old self and live out our lives as our new self, whose
identity finds its existence and identity in Christ!
So where am I going with this?
Did I lose sight of my topic regarding our burdens?
No, I did not.
You see, too often we over-complicate things. We over analyze our life and circumstances. We miss the
simplicity that Christ calls us to. He asks us to place the yoke of our burdens
on His shoulders. Not completely mind you, but to instead do as He asks us and
to share them with Him. He asks us to see Him as the lead Ox on a team, with
Him as the older and more experienced one who we can learn from. So our burdens
are not gone, but are now lighter and the solutions come for us because we are
following the lead of one who has walked in our human shoes and understands
what it takes for us to make it through our valleys. We walk beside Him and
face all that comes as a team.
What does not kill us makes us
stronger. Truly.
We are never alone and we do
not have to despair because He has already said that He will never leave or
forsake His children.
We will always have cares and
troubles this side of eternity. Our world is a fallen place and we are now surrounded
by more skepticism, more unbelief, more acceptance of sin, and more despair
than ever. Unless you bury your head in the sand and cover your eyes you cannot
miss the often ugly things that are going on around us.
But, as followers of Christ, we
know that this world is passing away and the Earth will one day be renewed.
Judgement will be justly administered by the only one who has the right to hand
it out.
He has placed this eternal
light in our hearts that is fueled by love. His love.
The world cannot extinguish His
light. It can try to rob us of it and it can try to destroy us when we don’t
give in but once we are adopted into Christ’s family we will never be
So know this today. No matter
where you are in your life. No matter what circumstances weigh down your heart.
You have an advocate and friend. In fact you have more than just one friend.
You have Christ if you have accepted Him as your savior, but you also have many
brothers and sisters in your adopted family.
You can reach out to Jesus and
share your burdens with Him and you can also come alongside some of the rest of
us for help too.
Don’t face your burdens alone
anymore. You simply do not have to.
Reach out to your family today.
We’re here for you.
In Christ,
Mike Meehan
Matthew 11:29 – 30
…29"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for
I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30"For My yoke is easy and
My burden is light."
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