To become something we’re not…
To be molded into the man of woman of God that He imagined us as.
To leave an indelible mark on this world for good is that not what many
of us dream of in the quietness of our souls?
So many of us dream. We dream of leaving a legacy that lives on far
beyond our earthly lives.
Do we count the cost?
To have an impact that lasts beyond our earthly years is such a fine
aspiration to have. But, have we really understood what that will demand of us?
Like many of you, I assume, I have at least occasionally dwelt on the
reason for my own existence. I firmly believe that God has purpose for us. I
also believe… No! I know… that God has equipped us or is continuing to equip us
to accomplish what He has in mind for our journey through life and the impacts
that He intends for us.
Do I believe that we can fail at what God has in mind for us?
Yes. Yes, unfortunately I do.
If we spend our lives on fear, on apprehension, on cowardice, on
procrastination or hesitance, yes, we could really fail at what God wants for
You see, God is far above and beyond us. He is not limited by our
perceived limitations and He has said in scripture that through our weaknesses
His strength shines through.
Can we fail? Yes. But for those that love Him… our failures are not the
end. He will accomplish His goodness despite our failings.
We are told to fear not because He has overcome the world.
The real question is this. Are we willing to let go of our fears?!
God has great things for us to accomplish. But, we can never become all
He has intended until we cast off our fears and adopt the confidence and the
equipping that He has for us.
I believe that our good future is there for the taking. But, it has a price.
We must leave behind all that hinders us. We must truly accept and
believe that God has all that we will ever need to live the dreams He has for
us. And we must take up those gifts.
If it’s armor that we need… take it up.
It it’s the right words or actions… take them up.
If it’s a powerful unshakeable faith and love… take them up.
God does not want bad things for you.
He has a future and a hope for you. He wants to prosper you and not
harm you!
Do you believe that?!
Do you?!
Then fear not! Go out into the World and conquer it with an indomitable
and unfathomable love that only a child of God, the son or daughter of the King
can give to everyone we meet!
Seize the day!
Mike <><
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