Wednesday, August 21, 2019

You Banned God! How’s that Working for You?!

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before[a] me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” Ex 20:2-4

Nowadays, I really don’t enjoy politicizing things very much. I don’t have a desire to draw a line and then have to be talked down to, patronized because of my perceived bias or white privilege, disallowed an opinion for any number of newly coined reasons that typically are tied to not my ancestry, but rather skin color. Or, maybe it has something to do with my political views, my Christian World view, or my intolerant, homophobic, misogynistic, capitalist, racist, or blah.. blah.. blah views.

I’ve lost my patience for anyone that tries to put me in a box and dismiss my views as irrelevant, antiquated, or counter to their group-think (read mob) mentality.

For goodness sake people… think for yourself for a change!

The other side now almost always seems to roll down this ridiculous slippery slope filled with unsupportable non-facts and weak arguments that sadly (for them) all seem to lead to one conclusion… “never-Trump”, he’s not my president, “Impeach!!!”

What the other side often can’t hear coming from me or any other reasonable conservative, due to their incessant screeching and attempts to drown us out, is that many of us don’t exactly love Trump, nor agree with his often loose lips… both in front of a mic, or on social media (in particular, Twitter).

However, they also foolishly write we conservatives off because they miss many (any?) of the accomplishments that “our president” has managed to broker during his hotly contested presidency.

Now, that was a very convoluted and rabbit trail sort of thing to do when I just want to address something that I heard the lieutenant Governor of Texas speak about the other day.

Now this truly is a dead horse that I’m beating here… Truly…


People… People… People…! They are not the problem folks.

It’s the person standing behind the gun. The person pulling the trigger. It’s their heart condition. It’s their mental condition. It’s their spiritual condition.

If you do not address the people problems that lead up to these tragedies, then they will never stop and they will only continue to increase in their frequency and the body count.

The lieutenant Governor of Texas made a lot of statements on a news program that I saw a clip of.

The gist of what this gentleman was talking about centered around what has become like a tragic comedy of political posturing and over politicizing every time one of these mass shootings occurs.

The political bantering and in-fighting is just a giant and irresponsible waste of time.
Though there may be a better way to enforce gun laws and a better way to control background checks and how the findings in those checks are used to determine a person’s eligibility to purchase a weapon, all of the checks in the world aren’t enough to guarantee that a person who buys a gun in all ways, legally, won’t later snap mentally and commit a crime with that gun.

The core argument of this man was this though: Our media has so attracted our young people and so glamorized violence and killing, that when many of them choose to play video games (for instance) rather than going to meet with God at church on a Sunday, then what result do we actually expect to occur in our society?

My observation is this: We gradually spiral out of control. We give up just a little more of the good that dwells within humanity, because of the image of our creator that we bear.

As a nation, we have allowed God to be kicked out of our schools, thrown out of our halls of justice and just about any other place where He could have a positive influence on our behavior. We cannot expect that we can maintain any long-term hope of positive change through legislature alone.

You cannot legislate nor regulate the human heart.

God has said that our hearts are ultimately sinful (we miss God’s mark). In other words, our hearts are wicked and drawn towards evil.

We are in need of a savior and His name is Jesus Christ.

There is no victory over the evil in people’s hearts without God in the solution.

You can disarm this nation and remove every privately owned gun and people will still find ways to commit these evil acts of violence on each other.

Only with God’s help, intervention and intercession can we ever hope to win the war against gun violence in our nation.

"The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” Jer. 17:9

We cannot trust to our own hearts or our own understanding. We must go to God for His guidance on solutions to reducing gun violence in our nation.

As followers of Christ, we must all seek to become His hands and feet to serve humankind around us each and every day.

We must be the light and the salt to a lost and misguided world.

So, dear old World… you may choose to ban God in many of the venues that you think you control, but I have news for you. Your control is an illusion.

The more you attempt to push God out… the more that those who love Him will seek to shine His truth and love for all others to see and experience…

Seize the day!

Mike <><

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