Thursday, April 29, 2021

Vent #...


Ok yeah, you spotted my title.


Don’t let it scare you off.


I promise. It won’t be what you’re afraid of.


So much has been on my mind lately. Some of you know what a few of these burdens are. And I am not alone. Many of you who are reading this even now have burdens so much heavier than my own. Understand that if I’m aware of your burdens, you are loved and my heart as well as my prayers are with you too.


This past year or so has been a valley that even though some of us possibly saw coming, we weren’t prepared for the challenges it has brought us. Not even close.


And just because some of us saw it coming hasn’t made the reality of it any easier.


Know too, nothing that has happened, is happening or will happen is a mystery to our God.


He may be grieved by it or He may hurt with us and it’s impact on us but, it’s no surprise to Him.


Now, on to my point in this writing.




Why would a loving God allow it? How could He allow it?


Oh, my dear friends. Now, that is a question. And, as easy as it is to ask the question…


There aren’t any easy answers to it.


Additionally, just as each of us is a unique creation of our Father, the answers for each of us are as different and numerous as the stars in the heavens.


To even begin to answer this question, we must look back to the beginning when God created Adam and Eve. Suffering and pain. Sin and evil. These hadn’t entered the picture until that fateful day when Eve gave a listening ear to our great enemy, Satan.


And before any of you men start wagging your fingers about how Eve was somehow responsible, remember that Adam sat silent and said nothing. He just partook of the fruit because Eve handed it to him.


Oh, and the fate of that day. One sin began it all. Death and evil entered this world and like a flood it has filled the existence of all who came after our ancestors.


Suffering entered our world, and it has never been again what it once was. What it was meant to be.


But. Thank God that was not the end. God did not then choose to wipe us out entirely and forget us for eternity.


Instead, He began writing a love letter to all of us. And He came up with a plan that would not only save those who would accept it, but it would also defeat the very evil that had entered the world so long ago once and for all. A plan that would turn suffering into the fertile ground in which He could plant seeds for our redemption.


God has released the floodgates of His love and provision through the death of His Son Jesus.


Scripture says that we are more than conquerors. We can crash the very gates of Hell to take back those who have been imprisoned by the lies of our ancient enemy.


God also said that He will take us just as we are and where we are at. We don’t have to clean up first.


But, be assured He won’t leave us where we are. His great love and His presence in our lives will inevitably transform us into the image of Christ. As our selfish selves are crucified daily, we become a reflection of Christ and His light can lead others to the foot of His cross which continues to do it’s work across the ages.


I’ve been confronted with this truth more and more recently:


               Why do we sometimes witness those we consider to be doing God’s will and who seem to be pillars of faith and light, suffer?


Yes, why?


Even I am not immune to this question. To this seeming paradox.


It is a hard truth. And it comes with some answers that in the here and now… well, they hurt.


I’m beating a dead horse here and I won’t apologize. – we were given a great and terrible gift, we humans.


We were given the most monumental pandora’s box…. Free will.


We can choose to accept or reject the love of God.


And just because you accept God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ does not exempt any of us from suffering in a fallen and sin filled world.


This is not the world that we are destined to live in. This world, like our lives is terminal. It’s ending is on the horizon and God has said as much in scripture. No amount of conservation or any other plan of humankind will ever save it. Its destruction is a fact of the future.


Of course, none of this brings any comfort, does it?!


Yeah, I understand that.


It doesn’t fix the pain and suffering of those who battle diseases, hunger, brutal abuse or neglect.


No, it doesn’t.


But a loving God has said to us that for those who love Him and are His disciples, we have been told that all things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.


Jesus suffered and died a death that none of us has experienced or could fathom to pay the debt to a Holy and sinless God so that we are freed from paying that debt in eternity.


I think many of us have not pondered this enough, if ever.


But Mike, you say. You haven’t really answered the question about why those who we view as saints or really wonderful people, are allowed to suffer.


No, you’re right.


Are you ready for it though? Are you sitting down?


I don’t have an obvious or clear answer or an easy answer. I have my own questions regarding some people that I know and have known and the suffering that they are or have endured. And I wish I completely understood the why’s and for what reasons. The point is that I don’t.


But before you walk away disgusted with me or scratch your head and wonder if I haven’t lost it somehow…


Maybe, sometimes, some of us are allowed to suffer because God sees that with His help, we are strong enough to walk these valleys. Maybe He can use how we conduct ourselves through them to lead others to the foot of His cross. Maybe these times are for our faith to be made so much bigger than a mustard seed. Maybe they allow our failing spark to become the flame that sets other hearts ablaze for Jesus.


Too often we spin our wheels blaming God for what we perceive that we think He should be doing rather than asking Him to reveal to us what He would teach us or how He would carry us to the other side of the battlefield.


The scriptures are clear that for those who would take up their crosses and follow Jesus, that we will share in His sufferings. Look carefully as scripture and as how many of Jesus’ disciples actually lived into old age.


My friends. It has been said that wide and easy is the way that leads to destruction. But narrow is the way that leads to an eternity with God in the place Jesus left to make for us.


Life is a journey, and I can tell you that at 57 years young I don’t have that many answers that would satisfy those who question the will of God. But I know this… to whom will you go if Jesus isn’t the answer? To the government? To a philosophy or an idea? To your pastor? To your friends or your loved ones? I can promise you this; all of them but Jesus will leave you unsatisfied and without any answers. You will be left at the end of your days with nothing but regret and fear because anyone that tells you that there is nothing after your life is a liar and all lies find their root in the father of lies, Satan.


A relationship with Christ is the answer. For He said it Himself… that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He said that nobody can come to the Father (God) but through Christ.


God’s Kingdom purposes are way bigger than anything that we can dream up, create, or write down. And though we may not understand the suffering in the here and now, we must remember that God said in His great love letter to us that all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.


Let your anchor be set deep in the Rock that is Jesus. Let your questions become that which drives you to your knees at the foot of His cross daily. For by no other name but the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is salvation found.


Let your suffering and that of those around you be the thing that drives you to love more and more. To unselfishly give back the gift that has been given to us. Now that is true worship, isn’t it?


Be the light in this dark world and never relinquish the hope we have in Christ!!


Seize the day and crash the gates of hell to see those imprisoned there while they still live here!


In Christ,


Mike <><

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