Wind. Rain. Heat. Cold.
The forces that beat against this frail structure…
My soul…
Yes, I feel them.
And yes, sometimes, I falter and stumble.
But I do not walk in these storms alone.
For you oh Lord have promised to be there in life’s storms with me.
Never to leave nor to forsake.
Even to carry me when I’m too weak to carry on.
I admit it… sometimes these mountains before me make me tremble.
Sometimes I am overcome with my fears…
But, fear is a natural response and I am not alone in these battles.
And my Savior whispers into my ear…
“I will go before you and defeat your enemies!”
And He whispers again… “Do it afraid!”
So, I push into these fears and I choose to act.
Afraid? Yes.
But moving forward anyway.
I want that to be my story… “He did it anyway.”
And so I tell you…
I don’t confess to understand the why’s of my life every time.
I sometimes know the how’s for sure.
Without the risk of failure, how could winning ever be as sweet as it
To never fail is to never try and that is not the stock I am born from.
I pray that it’s not the stock you’re born from.
So, this hope of mine is not dead, though sometimes it may be frail and
The anchor I cling to is not weak, nor does it ever fail to sustain me.
And so I choose this day and each new one yet to be, to live in hope
and in the fearless shadow of the Lion of Judah!
Seize the day!
Mike <><
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